The killings in time of war are the opposite to natural selection. The soldiers seem to melt into one big organism, the individual does not longer exist. Orbis Ovum is a series of works that share the same moulding compound as a basic form. The shape is the morphing between two 2D forms, the egg and the circle. The egg represents the “reproduction” and the circle the striving for perfection. The angle between the two 2D forms is the change of axis in dimensions.
Orbis Ovum is a series of works that share the same moulding compound as a basic form. The shape is the morphing between two 2D forms, the egg and the circle. The egg represents the “reproduction” and the circle the striving for perfection, together: evolution. The angle between the two 2D forms is the change of axis in dimensions. The form of plaster is not perfect, the mould is used in a way to reproduce with little alterations. The outcome is accepted as should new life be accepted in a natural way, as it is. Objects are added to the plaster forms to refer to milestones in the evolution.